
my notebook & pencil

Hi, I’m Tommy.

I’m a writer, a baker and a candlestick maker. Okay, that last one isn’t true. But I do love to cook — and I love eggs. There’s just something about them that makes me feel warm and cozy.

I work in an office by day but live in my kitchen the rest of the time. I like trying new recipes and cooking for my friends & family. And, I really love how food has the power to bring people together.

If you’d like to egg me on, leave me a comment. Suggest a recipe I should make, a restaurant I should visit, or just say hi.

© 2014 egg me on / Tommy Fiorito

13 Comments on “me”

  1. Hello,
    found you through Greg “Rufus spirit guide”
    you have an awsome blog going on here..glad I found it

  2. chuckcotton says:

    not sure where you are located – but they have a small chain of restaurants around here (Baltimore) called eggspectation. check one out if you are ever nearby.

  3. Sarah says:

    Great recipies!

  4. Ryan Lee says:

    Tommy– enter one of your awesome food photos (maybe those pecan pancakes?) in the Food Fight competition at! There’s only 2 weeks left and you can win a $500 Whole Foods gift card!

  5. laurasmess says:

    Haha… I have a friend who’s allergic to eggs. I’m never going to show him your site, it’d be too painful! Love what you’ve got going on here. Great recipes and brilliant photography! Can’t believe I only just found you via Conor’s meaty blog. Following from now on!

  6. misha says:

    hey dude, i am a fellow die-hard egg lover and i just stumbled into your blog. i am excited to do some recipe reading, seems like you have some awesome stuff (i’m especially excited about your midweek meltdowns).

    absolutely love your witty titles. keep up the good work, and i’ll see you around.

    • egg me on says:

      hey dude. thanks for stopping by! the meltdowns are some of my favorites too, so they’ll be plenty more of those to come.

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